Easiest Way to Make Yummy Basmati Rice Instant Pot

Basmati Rice Instant Pot.

Basmati Rice Instant Pot You can have Basmati Rice Instant Pot using 2 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Basmati Rice Instant Pot

  1. It's 4 cups of Basmati Rice.
  2. You need 8 cups of Water.

Basmati Rice Instant Pot step by step

  1. Measure rice and add to Instant Pot bowl..
  2. Place Instant Pot onPSince rice 4-6 times by adding water to the pot, swishing, and dumping the water..
  3. Add measured water to the Instant Pot..
  4. Place Instant Pot on High Pressure and Manual for 10 minutes and allow to come to pressure..
  5. Release pressure and serve..


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